
Finding Filesđź”—

vscode - cmd + p neovim - /


vscode - mouse lol neovim:

Start end of a lineđź”—

vscode - n/a neovim:

Goto definitionđź”—

vscode - f12 neovim - gd

Back / Forwardđź”—

vscode - ui back/ forward buttons neovim - ctrl + o , ctrl + i

Save fileđź”—

vscode - cmd + s neovim - :w

Close fileđź”—

vscode - cmd + w neovim - :bd (buffer delete)

Seach Fileđź”—

vscode - double-tap word to select all , cmd + f neovim - viw (visual innner word) , y (yank) , / , cmd + v (use n and N to navigate between matches)

Seach Codebaseđź”—

vscode - cmd + f neovim - viw (visual innner word), space , / , cmd + v

Selecting blocks of textđź”—

vscode - mouse lol neovim:

Selecting a whole lineđź”—

vscode - mouse neovim - V (capital)


Multicursor editingđź”—

vscode - cmd + opt + shift +up/down

Moving lines up and downđź”—

vscode - opt +up/down neovim -

Surround a text block with somethingđź”—

vscode - select text with mouse and { etc neovim - select tes

Change symbolđź”—

vscode - f12 neovim -

Copy a whole lineđź”—

vscode - mouse lol neovim - yy

Commenting blocks of codeđź”—

vscode - cmd + / neovim - gc or ctrl + .

Undo/ Redođź”—

vscode - ctrl + z / ctrl + cmd +z neovim - u / ctrl + r


Open terminalđź”—

cmd + j


vscode - built in source control panel

neovim: lazgit?


vscode - Nx extension


Endpoint testingđź”—

vscode - Thunder client extension


Most used vim commandsđź”—

vai - select all inside , useful selecting a string of text V - select whole line and go into visual mode, useful selecting blocks of text

ci( / { [ etc - select everything inside some brackets

shift + k - lsp hover info - useful for getting typing info