Compilation of resources that I have read/watched/worked through that have helped expand my knowledge.
Inspired by amitness.
This is also where I’m organising my second brain using the zettelkasten method.
Reading | Paused | Recommended |
👀 | 💤 | ⭐ |
General Coding🔗
- Book: Clean Code - A Code of Conduct for Professional Programmers
- Book: Clean Code - A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship
- Goodbye Clean Code
- Learn X in Y minutes
- Article: git rebase
- Article: Git rebase: apply your changes onto another branch
- Video: Git MERGE vs REBASE
- Git Ready
- Book: Eloquent JavaScript
- Article: 13 Tips to Write Faster, Better-Optimized JavaScript
- Book: Clean Code, adapted for JavaScript
- Video: Netflix JavaScript Talks - RxJS + Redux + React = Amazing!
- Video: RxJS Quick Start with Practical Examples
- Article: Stop using isLoading booleans
- Video: Intro to Typed Arrays in JavaScript
- Tutorial: Execute Program TS track
- Book: Effective TypeScript: 62 Specific Ways to Improve Your TypeScript
- Book: TypeScript Deep Dive
- Book: Tackling TypeScript
- Book: TypeScript in 50 Lessons
- Blog: 3 TypeScript Tricks I wish I knew when I learned TypeScript
- Blog: But really, what is a JavaScript test?
- Blog: But really, what is a JavaScript mock?
- Blog: Jest .fn() and .spyOn() spy/stub/mock assertion reference
- Blog: Mocking API calls with Jest
- Blog: Unit Testing with Typescript and Jest
Front-end Web Development🔗
- Blog: Defensive CSS
- Course: CSS for JS devs
- Book: CSS In Depth
- Book: CSS Secrets
- Course: Learn CSS
- Video: Learn CSS Grid in 20 Minutes
- Article: A Complete Guide to Flexbox
- Article: A Complete Guide to Grid
- Article: The Devil’s Albatross
- Article: CSS Variables for React Devs
- Book: Vue.js 2 Web Development Projects
- Docs: Vue Composition API docs
- Book: Vue.js 2 Web Development Projects
- Video: The Hidden World of requestAnimationFrame
- Article: Using requestAnimationFrame with React Hooks
- Article: Understanding JavaScript’s requestAnimationFrame() method for smooth animations
- How SVG Line Animation Works
- A Guide to SVG Animations (SMIL)
- Video: GSAP - Getting Started
- Article: GSAP + React, First Steps & Handy Techniques
- Book: Full-Stack React, TypeScript, and Node
- Article: A complete guide to useEffect
- Video:
in 11 minutes - Article: Composition vs Inheritance
- Article: Thinking in React
- Svelte 3: Rethinking reactivity
- Virtual DOM is pure overhead
- How to add module import aliases in SvelteKit
Back-end Development🔗
Web Security🔗
- Video Series: CS253 Web Security
- Web Security - Lecture 01 - What is Web Security? HTML & JavaScript Review
- Tutorial: How to use Docker with Node.js a step-by-step tutorial
- Tutorial: Docker for Beginners - Linux
- Tutorial: Node.js live debugging
- Tutorial: Docker for JavaScript Developers
- Tutorial: How To Setup Your Local Node.js Development Environment Using Docker pt1
- Tutorial: How To Setup Your Local Node.js Development Environment Using Docker pt2
- Video: Docker and PostgreSQL
- Section 1. Querying Data
- Section 2. Filtering Data
- Section 3. Joining Multiple Tables
- Section 4. Grouping Data
- Section 5. Set Operations
- Section 6. Grouping sets, Cube, and Rollup
- Section 7. Subquery
- Section 8. Common Table Expressions
- Section 9. Modifying Data
- Section 10. Transactions
- Section 11. Import & Export Data
- Section 12. Managing Tables
- Section 13. Understanding PostgreSQL Constraints
- Section 14. PostgreSQL Data Types in Depth
- Section 15. Conditional Expressions & Operators
- Section 16. PostgreSQL Utilities
- Section 17. PostgreSQL Recipes
Advanced PostgreSQL Tutorials
- Tutorials: How to GraphQL
- Tutorial: Introduction to Apollo full stack tutorial
- Tutorials: Apollo Odyssey, learning platform
- Blog: graphqljs vs typegraphql vs graphql nexus
- Apollo GraphQL Server 🚀 With TypeScript
- Blog: How to Setup Full Stack Apollo, GQL-CodeGen, Prisma 2.0, Typescript, React: Part 1 — The Backend
- Blog: How to Setup Full Stack Apollo, GQL-CodeGen, Prisma 2.0, Typescript, React: Part 2— The Frontend
- Book: Production Ready GraphQL
- Book: Learning GraphQL
- Video: How to Update the Apollo Cache After a Mutation
- Video: React Apollo State Management Best Practices
- Video: Dispatch this: Using Apollo Client 3 as a State Management Solution
- Intro to Apollo Client 3.0
- 200 OK! Error Handling in GraphQL
Prisma 2🔗
Design & UI/UX🔗
- Book: Refactoring UI
- Book: Inclusive Components
- Thesis: Gridless Design
- Blog: What is a design system?
- Video: CDN Caching, Static Site Generation, and Server Side Rendering
- Course: Create an Eleventy (11ty) Site From Scratch
- Course: Full Stack open 2021
- Video: From Blender to the Web - the Journey of a 3D Model
- Article: Reduce Your Website’s Environmental Impact With a Carbon Budge/
Broaden Perspective🔗
- Book: The Coding Career Handbook
- Book: Atomic Habits
- Book: The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F\k
- Book: Do Less Get More
- Book: The One Thing
- Book: Managing Oneself
- Book: Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less
- Book: Deep Work
- Book: So Good They Can’t Ignore You
- Book: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
- Article: How To Learn Stuff Quickly
- Interactive: How to remember anything forever-ish
- The Courage To Be Disliked
- Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess