Swag from your Strava running data🔗
The Problem
- you’ve completed a big racing event. you want to remember it forever. turn your stats from Strava into cool swag like caps, mugs and t-shirts etc.
- Medium / Big - Effort is lower if take a drop shipping model and funnel the creation of swag to Printful
Infinite coding canvas🔗
The Problem:
- VS Code is great, but what if it was more like Figma. you navigate your code like a tree on canvas
- Unknown. potentially easier by leveraging tldraw canvas.
Co-locate loyalty cards for small businesses🔗
The Problem
- Too many loyalty cards for cafes, and restaurants. Can they be merged all together
- Big - lots of work to coordinate with various restaurants and agree to this
Real life social media app🔗
The Problem
- social media is fake now. Lets see what our friends are up to in real life no matter how mundane via prompts to post short videos at random points in the day.
- Medium / Big - building a timeline of friends feed should be straightforward. but collating pictures/ videos and merging them together in a job will be tricky.