Cursor teaching me how to re-write my big-two game with xstate which is awesome. Its not so scary when applied to a real life context. the API sort of reminds of vue.js options API

  export const createBigTwoGameMachine = createMachine(
    id: "bigTwoGame",
    initial: "WAITING_FOR_PLAYERS",
    types: {
      // Types for context, states, actions etc all go here
    context: {
      players: [],
      currentPlayerIndex: 0,
      roundMode: null,
      cardPile: [],
      consecutivePasses: 0,
      winner: undefined,
    states: {
      // Define all possible state here and also what those state can transition          to. we can also place guards and other things in thes states too. e.g
        on: {
          JOIN_GAME: {
            actions: ["addPlayer"],
          START_GAME: {
            target: "GAME_STARTING",
            guard: "hasEnoughPlayers",
    guards: {
      // small functions to guard against impossible states
      hasEnoughPlayers: ({ context }) => context.players.length >= 2,
    actions: {
      // actions like dispatchers, the actual buisness logic to update the state          context. this where mutations live.
      addPlayer: ({
      }: {
        context: GameContext;
        event: GameEvent;
      }) => {
          id: event.playerId,
          name: event.playerName,
          hand: [],

…and it has also taught me the slightly new setup version of the this API too.

export const createBigTwoGameMachine = setup({
  types: {
    context: {} as GameContext,
    events: {} as GameEvent,
  actions: {
    dealCards: ({ context }) => {
      // Implementation here
    playCards: ({ context, event }) => {
      // Implementation here
    setRoundMode: ({ context, event }) => {
      // Implementation here
  guards: {
    hasMaxPlayers: ({ context }) => context.players.length !== 4,
  id: "bigTwoGame",
  context: {
    players: [],
    currentPlayerIndex: 0,
    roundMode: null,
    cardPile: [],
    consecutivePasses: 0,
    winner: undefined,
  states: {
      on: {
        JOIN_GAME: {
          actions: ["addPlayer"],
          guard: "hasMaxPlayers",
        START_GAME: {
          target: "GAME_STARTING",