- [Notes from # “Deno and Remix” by Ryan Dahl at #RemixConf 💿](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBcFJmQ6UVM)
Deno deploy + fresh can be deployed and distributed to world CDNs in less that 10 seconds. This due to fresh having 0 build time and JIT compilation of the framework when requested at the edge
We’re moving to post linux era for deployment. Deno deploy is built of V8 isolates. Which is also the reason why cold starts are so fast. more on V8 isolates here
Fresh is edge native framework. this mean it was built to work directly with deno deploy and v8 isolates.
- Deno deploy is a runtime built on top v8 but also has built in native web APIs e.g fetch. So this means fresh is built to work with Deno directly.
- Remix can be run on deno deploy but after a compilation step. This means that remix is not “edge native”