Remix vs Next.js - https://www.brenelz.com/posts/next-vs-remix
docs https://beta-reactjs-org-git-effects-fbopensource.vercel.app/learn/synchronizing-with-effects- Unlike events, effects are caused by rendering itself rather than a particular interaction.
- Effects let you synchronize a component with some external system (third-party API, network, etc).
- By default, effects run after every render (including the initial one).
- React will skip an effect you specify dependencies, and all of them are the same as during the last render.
- You can’t “choose” your dependencies. They are determined by the code inside the effect.
- An empty dependency array (
) corresponds to the component “mounting”, i.e. being added to the screen. - When Strict Mode is on, React mounts components twice (in development only!) to stress-test your effects.
- If your effect breaks because of remounting, you need to implement a cleanup function.
- React will call your cleanup function before the effect runs next time, and during the unmount.