- Worked through- Tutorial: How To Setup Your Local Node.js Development Environment Using Docker pt1 & Tutorial: How To Setup Your Local Node.js Development Environment Using Docker pt2. Lots to take in such as networks and volumes and orchestrating it all with docker compose. All the tutorials I have done so far seemed to be orientated around micro-services which is probably why I have been able to go so long without needing to touch docker. I think i understand the basics. I just dont have a real world project to practise on… I feel like Lambdas and serverless have everything I need. I may not need docker for anything personally, so there is a chance I will forget all of this again.
- Revising my SQL fundamentals again, i think this will help me build better apps with supabase. Running postgres in docker just for good practice. Great learning resource at https://www.postgresqltutorial.com/ . Completed
Section 1. Querying Data
. - read a few more pages of Essentialism. Feels like i’m reading Atomic Habbits
- minimum viable progress, show your work off early, celebrate small wins
- minimum viable preparation, prepare early for big dividends in the long run
- visalise your small wins
- Preparation makes execution easy