We’re using NX more at work; I initially didnt really get it . I had the following pre-conceptions of nx before taking a deeper dive into it

I’ve come out the other end of my learnings to find all of the preconceptions to be false

--- Seting up a nx mono repo for chiubaca.com

npx create-nx-workspace


setting up chiubaca.com app

npx nx generate @nx/js:library --name=chiubaca.com --unitTestRunner=none --directory=apps/chiubaca.com --projectNameAndRootFormat=as-provided --no-interactive 

key thing is to setup the project.json correctly which replaces command in package.json


  "name": "chiubaca.com",

  "$schema": "../../node_modules/nx/schemas/project-schema.json",

  "sourceRoot": "apps/chiubaca.com/src",

  "projectType": "application",

  "targets": {

    "build": {

      "executor": "nx:run-commands",

      "options": {

        "command": "npx astro --root apps/chiubaca.com build"



    "lint": {

      "executor": "nx:run-commands",

      "options": {

        "command": "npx astro --root apps/chiubaca.com check"



    "format": {

      "executor": "nx:run-commands",

      "options": {

        "command": "prettier --write ./apps/chiubaca.com check"



    "serve": {

      "executor": "nx:run-commands",

      "options": {

        "command": "npx astro --root apps/chiubaca.com dev"




  "tags": []


setup eslint in the app eslint-plugin-astro (ota-meshi.github.io) still WIP…

I’m referring a lot to the NX Mental Model | Nx

Nx has a clear structure that it recommends Applications and Libraries . This takes the overhead of think about code organisation a lot easier. it also recommends an 80, 20 rule. 80 % of your logic should be in a lib and Apps should just be containers for your lib